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What Causes BackPain?

What Causes Back Pain?

What causes back pain?

So why is it that when I bent over to pick up a pen or a small and light object, I started to get a severe pain in my back? Why is it sometimes some of the most trivial and light forces can cause such large injuries to our back. Well according to the NHS, low back pain is one of the most disabling conditions in the UK, so it's something that is a very big issue within our society but what causes it? Why is it that we get back pain in the first place? Well the cause of low back pain comes down to trauma and we have two different types: we have macro trauma; and we have micro trauma. A macro trauma is going to be the more obvious but the less common versions of trauma that causes back pain and this can be things such as a slip or a fall, it could be a car accident, a knock or a bang. It’s going to be a sudden injury to a tissue that causes pain. Micro trauma is going to be a small injury sustained over a period of time, day after day of day that’ll

equate to a macro injury. We can take the analogy of a camel's back: each day we’re laying a straw on the camel's back and depending on how many straw we start with will depend on when the pain in your back will start and it won't get into it the final straw is laid on the back and everything breaks and that's when the pain in the back comes.

Presented by our Aylesbury Chiropractor Dr. Steven Hulme (Doctor Of Chiropractic) on behalf of Corrective Chiropractic & Corrective Clinics