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Is My BackPain Muscular?

Have you got a pain in your back that feels muscular but it doesn't seem to be going away maybe it's been there months or even years perhaps you’ve tried massage or some soft tissue techniques that might have given you some short-term to medium relief but just keeps coming back. Well the fact of the matter is that your muscles should be able to heal and regenerate very efficiently, even more than most tissues within the body. Take the gym for an example, you go and lift some heavy weights, you create some small micro tears in a muscle and the days proceeding, you start to get a pain in the muscle, this is your muscle regenerating and healing itself. So your muscles should be able to heal and if it's not there's going to be an underlying issue to that.

Three main reasons for this: the first one is if you have a joint dysfunction or a structural issue, this will cause the muscles surrounding the dysfunction to tighten up to try and protect and stabilize that joint; the second underlying issue may be a movement pattern disorder, lets take the shoulder an example, if you've got a couple of muscles in the shoulder that aren't working very well, perhaps weakened for whatever reason then there must be other muscles surrounding that shoulder that are going to have to work extra hard to compensate and therefore they will end up fatiguing quicker; and the final way may be if you have any nerve irritation that is being compromised, that nerve that goes to the muscle is then going to cause that muscle to tighten up, there'll be nothing to tell that muscle to relax. What you need to do is consult a Chiropractor to find out exactly why it is that muscle is tight so that the underlying issue can corrected.

Presented by our Aylesbury Chiropractor Dr. Steven Hulme (Doctor Of Chiropractic) on behalf of Corrective Chiropractic & Corrective Clinics