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How Long To Heal From Sciatica?

So how long does it take to heal from sciatica?

This very much depends on a variety of factors including what's causing the irritation to the sciatic nerve and how severe the damage is. The most common cause of sciatica is a disc issue.

Damage to a disc which is causing an irritation to the sciatic nerve, this can cause a loss of function or pain down the leg. So to have a full recovery, there needs to be the healing process of those three structures: the discs; the nerve; as well as the muscle or whatever the loss of function was in the leg. The disc takes around nine months to around two years to recover as fully as it can. Once the pressure is taken off the nerve, that nerve will need time to recover and the quicker that pressure is taken off the nerve the quicker the recovery. As soon as we've found out exactly what is irritating the nerve we can then tailor the treatment.

Presented by our Aylesbury Chiropractor Dr. Steven Hulme (Doctor Of Chiropractic) on behalf of Corrective Chiropractic & Corrective Clinics